


We highly recommend that you make an appointment to make sure that a tutor will be available to help you, but drop-in appointments are available. All appointments begin at the top of the hour, and no drop-in appointments will be available less than an hour from closing time.

How do I make a distance tutoring appointment?

Distance students may follow the same instructions that on-campus students use, 哪些在主页上. Make an online appointment through indstate.mywconline.com

What should I expect when I come in for a session?

Be sure to come prepared for your session. Please bring your textbook, any relevant class notes, and a printed version of your paper. Remember that your tutor may be unfamiliar with your specific assignment, so bringing these materials will allow us to help you as much as possible. If you are a distance student, be on time; if you are more than 15 minutes late you will be marked as a no-show. 给n that you arrive on time, you will have 50 minutes with your consultant. Your consultant will ask you questions about your assignment to help you identify where you are having trouble. He or she will not write on your paper, but may help you identify areas of the paper that need work. It is always up to you to make the recommended changes, and you will always maintain final say over your own work. On arrival and departure, you will be asked to swipe in and out with your ISU ID card.

How will my professor know I was at the ISU WC?

If your professor requires or offers extra credit for visits to the ISUWC, let us know before your appointment starts. 后来, your consultant will scan your consultation sheet and send it to your professor so that he or she knows you were here. Be aware that if you do not ask for proof of attendance, it will not be sent. We value students' privacy and only provide this information by request. If you attend a workshop, you will be automatically given a slip of paper as proof of attendance. It is up to you to deliver this to your professor.

I might need more than 50 minutes of help. 我该怎么办??

Lots of people need more than 50 minutes! You may schedule up to two appointments in one day and up to three appointments each week.

How much will my grade improve if I visit the ISU WC?

The ISU 写作中心 does not guarantee grades, nor can we provide you with an estimate of what your grade will be if you visit. Your professor has the final say in grading. 大家都知道, 学习是一个漫长的过程, so please do not expect to understand everything you need to know in one appointment.

My consultant didn't know all the answers! 为什么不?

Please keep in mind that the consultants in the ISU 写作中心 are students, too. As such, they are always learning. Being a good writer isn't about having all the right answers memorized. It's about knowing how to use resources to find the answers. Your tutors may need to use books and web sources to find information. 当这种情况发生时, the tutors are actually modeling for you how you can find the information you need on your own, and that is what the 写作中心 is all about. We aren't here to fix your papers and give you the right answers. We're here to help you become more independent and confident writers. We appreciate your feedback though, especially if there's something we need to improve, so be sure to fill out an anonymous feedback form at the end of your session.



Why aren't you open finals week?

We close during finals week because the consultants are students and must study for their own exams. To offset this closure, we offer extra hours during study week.

The Center is too loud and I can't concentrate. 我该怎么办??

If you are having trouble concentrating, just ask your consultant if you can move to a quiet space. He or she will happily honor your request. If you know when you make your appointment that you will want a quiet room, let us know and we will make a note of it.






(812) 237-2989



Mon-Thurs: 上午10点至晚上8点
星期五: 上午10点到下午5点
太阳: 下午4点到10点

We will be closed on any dates when the university is closed and any dates when the library is closed.


Facebook: @isuwritingcenter

Instagram: @isu_wc

TikTok: @isu_writing_center